White and whole grain, rye, buckwheat, and oat.
Bagels, muffins, Artisan breads.
French. Sourdough. Irish Soda. English Muffins. More.
But my favorite bread, on a drippy, gray, almost dreich day........is honey whole wheat, warm from the oven, with a little soft butter spread on top. What's your favorite?
I can't wait to see the smiles on Tom and Joe's faces when they enter the house after work and school, the aroma of freshly baked bread greeting them.
To give such pleasure is a joy.
Simple Things.
Yum, there is nothing better than homemade bread fresh out of the oven; nothing! I make an italian bread, got the recipe from my husband's family. I'm english but make their mother's bread for Christmas when the italians come over. They love smelling mom's bread (she's gone now, I never met her). It's so much fun to watch the appreciation in their faces when they walk in the door.
I repeat, nothing better than homemade bread fresh out of the oven!! Maybe we could make homemade bread during peace negotiations, I'll bet there would be peace then!
I just found you through my new blog friend, Pam. She was right. I do enjoy reading your blog.
Thanks for sharing your mother's heart. As a mother of four, very young children, I hope I can glean from your experiences! I also have two girls and two boys. Seven and five and three and one, respectively.
I also love that question, "Is there such a thing as a false move?" I think I'll go ponder it and see what God says.
Nice to meet you, sort of,
Lisa Smith
It's a toss-up between orange-bran bread, and carrot-sunflower-wheat bread that I make. Orange-bran is great for breakfast, but the other bread makes the world's greatest peanut butter sandwich.
I have already linked you to my page. I plan to visit more. I am enjoying getting to know you and your friends. We need each other on this journey to Hope!
How right you are, Sandy. Nothing!! You might be on to something with peace negotiations catered with....fresh bread!!! What a concept! I'll bet your Italian bread is divine! I make Tom's deceased grandma's cinnamon rolls every Thanksgiving and Christmas with reactions such as your Italian bread brings. Wonderful to keep the memories of loved ones fresh with something so hearty and real as breads.
Lisa, nice to 'sort of meet you', too! Thanks for stopping by. Your kids are a little closer in age than mine. My 'boys are 25 and 22'; the girls are 15 and nearly 12. It's a wonderful thing, being a mom! We shall ponder the false move question together.
tshs: your bread choices are making my mouth water! They sound delicious! I've never heard of carrot-sunflower-wheat, but boy oh boy, what a great combination. And with peanut butter.....mwaaah! Thanks for sharing your favorites with me! (Hey, your DVDs come, yet?)
Ah...bread, beautiful bread. The very stuff of life. I need to start baking again.
Yes, Ann, the very stuff.
My family smiled through breakfast this morning. :-)
Ha! Speaking of bread... A couple weeks ago I found our so-called bread-makker down in the basement and now I remember why I put it there. I followed the directions, let the machine do the work, and the most hideous looking, lumpy, warty, dense loaf of, um, bread was the result. It would have been perfect to scare children with at Halloween. Or throw at a burglar. Or use as a doorstop. It definitely would NOT have helped in any peace negotiations.
No, there is nothing like the real deal that comes from doing the real work.
Pam, maybe your bread could be used when the peace negotiations begin to fall apart....you know, whack 'em over the head with it!
One time when I lived in eastern Washington with my sister, I was 19, we decided to be like Laura Ingalls and bake bread. She was the farm wife, so I followed her lead. We mixed, kneaded, baked, and ended up with the heaviest brick of bread imaginable. The knife was sawing at it with barely a mark! So, she said, "Let's throw it in the pond and see if Butchie (dog) will fetch it!" "Yeah!"
She threw, the dog dove, but the bread sank! Fast and hard!
She found it the next summer when the pond dried up!
You are not alone!
(Maybe in former lives we were Israelites, making bricks for the Egyptians!)
Too funny!!!
And incidentally, we have a bread MAKER in the basement, not a bread makker, as I so eloquently typo-ed above. Although, now that I think about it, perhaps I grabbed the bread makker by mistake and that is why the loaf was so horrible...?
Ah.....well, maybe if Makker is pronounced Mocker, that may explain the mockery of a bread loaf you experienced. Just a thought.......
Although they hardly count as rich yeasty BREADS, the last loaves I baked were zuchini [sic] breads. The dog snatched one and ate the whole thing before I realized what was going on.
When I first baked real bread, I was confused by the directions which said to add 10 to 12 cups of flour????
I forced all 12 cups into the dough and made, as you say, bricks.
What I like best about your blog is your reference to "simple things".
Ha! Another great bread making story, Lizza! Welcome to the lost tribe of brick bakers.
Thanks for the feedback, concerning simple things. They are my favorite, I think, and so often overlooked.
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