Saturday, March 25, 2023

Artful Day

An artful day introduces itself early, in the après dawn morning.

A heightened sensation of pleasure as I walk the hall gliding my warm fingers through silky clean hair, brow to nape, their tips gently massaging my scalp causing eyes to close, a smile to spread. Ah, life, health.

Warm water delights on my cheeks, eyes, nose, mouth, forehead, neck, drips like rain into the basin, swirls in rivulets down the drain as if merry in its journey. Soft creamy towel smells fresh, clean.

Crisp white luxurious bed sheets float and flatten, easily cooperate in bed making. Pillows seems to plump themselves, ordered, lying one upon another, pastel perfection. Smooth, ruffled, a parrot on a blue square pillow.

Bulging about-to-burst pear blossoms out the window, rain jewels sparkling along limbering branches, swaying ever so gently in the breeze, accepting the sun's intermittent rays, now here, now gone. And back.

Cool iron black French door handles twist and crunch, the door swings in. Brisk air brushes my face, lifts my hair, enters my nose carries welcome scents of wet garden soil, sun warmed cobblestones, damp foliage, and the neighbors' morning coffee. Bird song. Squirrel scamper. Shimmering tear-shaped raindrops blithely clutch the screen door's mesh as I slowly slide it left. Stepping onto the dark green wooden landing, my arms stretch up and outward, lungs fill with cool fresh air. Glorious! In my soft pink and gray plaid pajamas.

Vivid sensual offerings greet my every glance and turn. Lines of furniture, graceful light and shadows partnering in whimsical dance, my husband's wellies carefully positioned next to his loafers on the faded peach mud-rug by the front door, pointing north together, brown rubber and leather, resting like horses tethered in front of The Long Branch Saloon. Waiting to ride into the sunset. Or something.

Quiet. Not a car drives past. Not a neighbor strolls by. The refrigerator hums. The furnace clicks on with a faithful whoosh. 

Deep breaths. Eager reception of gifts always present, too oft unnoticed.

A good night's sleep, an observing mind, a cheerful mood.


An artful day, this. 

My our Artist God bless you with such abundance - and more - today and always.

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