Friday, September 01, 2023

Discovering My Purpose in the World

You'd think at my age I'd know my purpose.

I suppose I always have - sort of. We all subconsciously act on our purpose in relationships and also within our homes and spheres of influence, to a degree. But there is more. So much more.

August was designated as a rest month, calendar kept free. It was good for me. In it were choices that put my health and needs first. Revitalizing for my mind and heart and soul.

In small ways. But maybe those small ways are the largest connections of all.

I discovered that I am not invisible. No one is.

In that revelation a choice presented itself. Within the realm of free will, what effects shall my life offer the world? 

Some answers came to mind. They please me, excite me, challenge me.

I want to be a bright spot in a dreary world and an interesting spot in a lively world. God will use my willingness, I just know He will. 

I want to be strength and steadfastness in this uncertain world, experience and its wisdom, the wisdom of the ages and the wisdom of my  own age.

I want to represent the glory of growing older, to exhibit the same beauty I see in a an ancient red-tiled roof with its useful old chimney under a cloudy sky brightened with fiery autumn gold, the dying leaves ever more beautiful than their younger forms.

God grant me the mind to embrace these purposeful choices.

It's a start. It's a start.


Tom said...

I love it, such a great perspective and motivation for life.

Cherie said...

Thank you, Tom. I'm happy it was an encouragement.