According to my Facebook memories for today, four years ago I had a cold, COVID was reaching it nasty fingers worldwide, and my guy lost the election.Seven years ago I was in Paris.
Eight years ago my guy won the election.
Twelve years ago Obama won a second term, and I was completely undone about it.
And do you know what? All of the many comments on my posts during those various and varied moments - from friends and family who politically agreed or didn't - were just as civil and kind as could be. No one took offense at my sharing my sadness or happiness.
(Everyone especially loved my Paris pictures and news, gotta say.)
I was equally kind to my friends when the shoe was on the other foot, whether they were despondent or satisfied. Why? Because we love each other and we like each other and we have each other's backs knowing we will disagree now and again. Agreement doesn't matter.
It's so different now. Because of this odd cultural climate we find ourselves in, I am hesitant to share my views and responses. Fingers wag and warn: don't do it! Menacingly, threateningly. Tippy tippy toe egg-shell walking only.It's nuts.
I have decided today, however, in light of the strong waves of thoughts and emotions filling my mind and heart, that I'm going to share these despite cultural warnings to keep silent. All those years ago it was okay to share such things. I'm tired of caving to irrationality and childishness.
I trust you, my readers, to understand that elections are cyclical; sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. Remember how our parents implored us to learn how to win and lose with grace in order to keep our relationships above pettiness and jealousy? I remember my mom telling me once, while snapping two fingers, that things change in an instant. Don't toss your friends over disagreements.
So, with grace, I share my election responses.
I am thrilled that Donald Trump won the Presidency for a second time. I am relieved and happy.
I am overjoyed that the Senate went his way also, and perhaps the House will as well.
I've felt a huge sense of relief all day long, as though a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders, a weight I hadn't even realized had become so slouchingly burdensome.
I feel my kids will be safer and find navigating their lives will be easier. This is huge for me.
My mood has a lightness it hasn't had for four years. Yes, I've had fun and pleasant moments these past four years, but that weight has always been there, pressing, pressing, pressing.
I feel I can breathe again, as an American, as if I can come out of the shadows, see the sun, stretch my arms and gulp in fresh air. I realize just how many millions of other citizens experienced these same things for four years. I am not alone.
I am not garbage, or a foul uneducated thing. Oh, how hurtful it has been to live under such cruel and false epithets. Constantly. Abuse hurled on Trump supporters caused most of us to just keep mum about our support for the issues and candidacy of our choice. We weren't allowed choice. We were ridiculed in the media, in entertainment, online, everywhere. The abuse messed with my mind over time, unbeknownst to me. Today changed all that, lifted the pain and twitchiness. I feel normal again, as if life makes sense.I love how many of my friends called or wrote to me in jubilation, bursting with joy as was I. What wonderful chats we've had already as this surreal historic moment comes into focus. We are happy. I can't say it enough. Happy. Relieved. Grateful. Inspired. Encouraged. Hopeful.
I am truly sorry for the other half of the country, for. my friends and family disappointed with the election outcomes. I get it. Boy, do I get it.
For those of you 'on the other side' know this, you will win again one day. You will be the happy ones. You will be encouraged and hopeful. When that happens, I will have your back. I will understand. I will encourage you and pray for you and smile with you and revel in the myriad other things in which we share common ground. I will never toss you aside for disagreeing with me. You are more important than an election.
You know, we really are all in this together, this thing called life. We are all under the care of the One who Leads everyone of us. This will never change.
Remember, win or lose, I genuinely love you, my friends and family.